I started going to Triumph Church in 2003. I felt welcomed, and I had never received that
before. No one stared me up and down for
what I had on or judged and criticized me. They received me with an open arm of love and
comfort. I knew God had led me to the
right place. Being a single
mother that was a big deal for me knowing that I was accepted somewhere
and that someone would take the time teach me and my son more about who Jesus
was and that He loved the both of us unconditionally. I learned to have a personal relationship with
God. That became very important to my
family and me. The Pastoral staff at
Triumph Church affected my life more than words could express. I learned the principles of walking in God's
authority, love, peace, joy, favor and being a steward in tithing. The list could on and on. There are so many things that I have learned
from Triumph.
Back in the summer of 2008 that was a very rough time for
me. I went through family issues, health
issues, and financial issues. I was
stressed to the max. My car broke down,
and I was going through foreclosure. I accumulated over $26,000 worth of debt
to maintain a house I knew I couldn't afford.
I almost ended my life going through all of this. But a still small voice helped me to see I can
make it. With the relationships I had
built with Triumph I was able to stand and walk in God’s authority. God was always there with me. I just didn't see it. Well I got on a debt
management plan and paid off that $26,000 sooner than expected. By learning the principles of tithing through
that whole ordeal I never stopped paying my tithe. I did lose my home to foreclosure, but I never
gave up my dream of becoming a homeowner.
In 2010, Bishop Clark had declared a season of an open
heaven. I received that word for myself.
I went to start the process of
purchasing another home. When I found
out I was pre-approved I wept and thanked God. February 2012, I signed papers and
purchased another home. God has been
good to my family and me. Within that
time frame I have paid off a vehicle and blessed my son with
it then I purchased another one. I have become a business owner, and
I have increased my tithing off my business. There is so much I have learned over the past
years at Triumph Church. Thank you
because I am able to share what I have learned to my son and the rest of my
family, and it will pass on from generation to generation. A legacy has been made because of that one
decision to build a church not knowing the impact it would have and the lives
it would change. I love you all very
Harlean Howard
Beaumont Campus