Friday, October 4, 2013

30 Years of Triumph-Danielle Bienvenu

In 2004 I was searching for a church home and finally the Holy Spirit let me know Triumph Beaumont was it.  A few months later, I was in a car accident that injured my back.  Doctors told me I would never be the same again.  They said I wouldn't be able to dance, something I was born doing and traveled to do for the Lord, travel for missions, or even have children one day.  I refused to accept what they told me.  I clung to the hope that God would reach out and touch me.  Three and a half years later, He did.  I went to a special service with Prophetess Judy Laird at Triumph Nederland, and God laid His healing touch on me.  My back has been pain free since!  What doctors said could not be done, God did!  God is so good!

Fast forward years later to coming out of an abusive relationship.  I'd been told I was nothing and treated like the scum of the earth.  I returned to Triumph Beaumont where God spoke life into me again.  I was comforted and became reacquainted with who Jesus says I am.  Pastors Adrian and Pam Stovall were God sent angels speaking life and love into my soul again.  Now I have a passion to help others in similar situations.

I recently struggled with an odd condition called Occipital Neuralgia.  The pain was excruciating so much so that anytime I touched one strand of hair I wanted to scream.  The medicine the doctors gave me didn't do any good.  The surgeries didn't do much good either.  I kept praying, my family prayed, and Triumph Beaumont prayed.  My last Sunday at Triumph Beaumont before moving to Oxford, England for my Master's degree, Pastor Randon and Sister Helen laid hands on me and prayed for me.  Again, God chose to touch me and heal me through Triumph.

Bless God, I am a new creature filled with hope, joy, and health!  God still does miracles for His children today. Thank you, Triumph Church for listening to God and following Him. You've changed so many lives. God bless you!

Danielle Bienvenu
Beaumont Campus

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