Wednesday, September 18, 2013

30 Years of Triumph-Ashley Milhouse

Before attending Triumph, I identified myself as a "Christian," but it was more of a religious affiliation than a personal relationship with Christ.  Although I had grown up in church, as I got older I began to take the Bible more as a suggestion of how to live rather than demands of God that should be followed.  When I first came to Triumph, I attended Epic Youth New Year’s Eve service and fell in love but never got a chance to attend a service.

When I came home for the summer my life was in a transitioning phase, and I really had no idea where I'd be by August.  That's when a friend invited me to join her at a new ministry for young adults.  During the first Nation 29 service, I was amazed by meeting such passionate, loving, and joyful individuals.  They were crazy happy, which was honestly almost scary.  How many 18, 19,and 20 year olds do you meet that are extremely happy for no apparent reason?!  As they shared their testimonies of hope, love and their rebirth in Christ, I was taken aback.  Rarely had I seen people around the same age as me fully and radically living for God, denying today's societal views, and living a life worth more.

My first couple of times at Nation 29 I didn't share anything.  I was closed off but yet still absorbing what they were saying.  They let me be where I was initially, but then slowly they started easing me out of my comfort zone.  The more I was around them the more I wanted to experience this relationship that they had.  Changing my actions, thoughts, and even some environments was hard at first, but replacing them with new people and places made the transition easier.  However, in no way am I perfect but yet still a work in progress.

Pastor Brandon, Gerald, Krystal, Magan, Alyssa, Caleb, and MANY MORE people welcomed me with open arms into their family.  They accepted me flaws and all.  Today even miles away, I know there are people – FRIENDS I can call at any moment, and they are praying for me.  I fell in love with Christ all over again through the people at Triumph Church Beaumont.

Ashley Milhouse
Beaumont Campus

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