Sunday, September 29, 2013

30 Years of Triumph - Pam Burns

Mark and I came to Triumph 30 years ago minus a few months, and I have seen God perform many miracles in our lives and the church.  When our church grew and we had to knock the first walls out, it was such a great blessing to see God adding to His Kingdom.  Then the tent and so many wonderful things God did in that tent. Then our new Nederland sanctuary, then Beaumont, then Sugar land and now Triumph DC!!! WOW!  I thank God we have been a part of the growth. We are so blessed!!

As far as our family, my boys were raised on the pews of our church.  It has been such a joy watching them grow in the Lord and become men of
God.  Now I have 3 grandchildren that I get to watch grow right in the same
Church where their parents were raised.  I thank God everyday for my church family that has been beside us for many many years, especially this past year when my precious husband went to be with Jesus.  I could never say thanks enough for all the love and support we had.  Never were we alone, but one of our pastors was with us every minute.  I love you with every part of my heart Bishop, Pastor Renee’, all our pastors, and my church family!!!!  Thank you for 30 years of the miraculous and many more.

Pam Burns
Nederland Campus

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