Monday, September 30, 2013

30 Years of Triumph - Neal & Sara Price

I mark the stages in my early life by two major milestones – my birth year (1975) and Triumph’s birth year (1983).  You see I had the distinct privilege of being in prayer meetings as a young boy listening to Uncle Irvin and Aunt Weece (Bro. and Sis. Marshall), Bishop Randy and Pastor Renee’, my grandmother and others cry out to God to do a new thing in Southeast Texas.  Of course, as a 7 year old, I had no idea what was going on, but I knew it was something significant.  In the months to follow, our family watched from Mississippi with great interest as Triumph New Testament Church began to come to fruition.  I remember coming to Texas many, many times to visit the fledgling church with chicken wire on the walls and bed sheets that divided the “rooms”.  How exciting for a kid to see all of these strange things and know that God was in the middle of it all.

I can take you to the spot in what is now Exciteland where I was baptized with the Holy Spirit in 1987.  I remember Bishop Randy praying for me and then sitting beside Pastor Renee on her piano bench as she led the congregation in “Lord Prepare Me To Be A Sanctuary”.  I remember being baptized in a FREEZING horse trough in the same building a few months later.  Then came the amazing tent.  How incredibly hot that was!!  However, I remember one day when Bishop Randy prayed for me in that tent.  He said nothing, but the weight of his hands and the power of the Holy Spirit that settled on me at that point have stayed with me to this day.

Fast-forward only a few months…  I remember Bishop Randy and Pastor Renee’ coming to Vicksburg, MS to hold the first official meeting of Triumph Church – Vicksburg in the living room of Wayne and Joyce Fields.  As a then 14-year-old kid, I knew exactly what was happening – I was living a moment in history.  A church was being born, and I had a front-row seat!  The entire rest of my high school and later college years were focused on one thing – I would move to Texas and learn from my mentors, Bishop Randy and Pastor Renee’ Clark.  My dream came true in May 1999.  Over the next few months, I was witness to the birth of two more churches – New Covenant Church in Humble and Harvest Church in Jasper.  God had given me the opportunity to have a front-row seat to two more church plants through the ministry of Triumph Church.

In 2002, I had the opportunity to be on the set-up and tear-down team for the very first service for Triumph-Beaumont.  What an amazing adventure to see something that not very many churches in the nation were doing at the time – going multi-campus!  In 2004, in the middle of all of this excitement, I married my beautiful wife, Sara – a member of Triumph since she was 12!  Then, in 2006 I was sitting in the front row of the choir loft in Nederland during a service when Pastor Mike Hayes delivered the word from the Lord concerning a new church in Houston, TX.  Once again, I was strapping on my boots to go to work to help plant another church in Sugar Land, TX.

As I now sit here in the Washington, DC Metro area, I am dusting off my boots and going to work to assist in the planting of triumphDC!  Now, I get to give my boys, who were dedicated in Triumph’s sanctuary, the opportunity to have a front-row seat to history in the making.  I stand amazed at the impact of Triumph Church on my life.  Bishop Randy and Pastor Renee’ Clark, through the power of the Holy Spirit, have worked and sacrificed everything to offer people just like me the opportunity to go out and change the world as we spread the Gospel of Christ.  Thank you, Triumph, for being an amazing part of my history and my future.

Happy birthday, Triumph Church!  Congratulations, Bishop Randy and Pastor Renee’.  May the story that is written of the next 30 years of Triumph be greater than the first 30!

Pastor Neal Price
triumphDC (by way of Vicksburg, Nederland, & Beaumont)

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