As a child I grew up with a father who
was an alcoholic, and my mother was at work all the time. By age 11, I was using tobacco, marijuana, and
alcohol and was sexually active. I was
mentally, verbally, and physically abused by my 18-year-old boyfriend at 15. We did so many crazy, dangerous, irresponsible
things when I was younger. If it weren’t
for God I know I wouldn’t be here.
At age 17, Matt and I started dating. That was when I started using meth and cocaine.
We had so many moments when I believe
now looking back that God tried to get our attention. Matt had many near death accidents, and we just
continued to ignore it. We kept using. Drugs had completely taken over my life and
who I was. I felt like I was trapped
inside of a body I could no longer control. I literally would go to bed crying myself to
sleep. I was afraid I was going to die,
and I was begging God for help.
Shortly after that I believe God
answered my prayers. My mom offered to
move us to where she was living, Nederland, to get us away from everything. So we packed our house into a u-haul in less
than one day, and left at 10p that night.
We never looked back. After settling in here, Matt and I would always
talk about how we needed to find a church to get our boys in, but we kept
putting it off and making excuses.
Fast forward to Sept of 2012. I was sitting at the boys’ baseball game one
Saturday afternoon when my dad called to tell me that my cousin had overdosed
and was basically brain dead. She was in
a coma for 2 months. Things progressively got worse. The doctors gave her no hope and were requesting
to take her off life support, but her father wouldn’t give up. Her mother-in-law had her pastor come up to the
hospital, pray over her, and baptize her. Later that week, her weekly testing
showed no change in brain activity. BUT
GOD!! Two hours later a nurse walked in to
find my cousin was SITTING UP IN HER BED TALKING!!! The doctors were all in disbelief. It was truly a miracle from GOD.
It was a Saturday when we learned of
this. I happened to be out of town at my
sister’s house. I decided that Sunday to
visit her church, and thank God for my cousin. It just so happened that the service that day
was about not making excusing for following God and going to church. I went to the altar that day and received
anointing and prayer. My life was
forever changed that November morning.
My life has not been the same since. That week as soon as I got home I jumped on
the computer and started to Google local churches. Triumph’s page kept jumping out at me. We decided to visit that next Sunday, and we
truly found our second home that morning. I am so thankful and blessed to have been lead
to such a wonderful church family. We
were welcomed with open arms, never being questioned of who we were or where we
came from. No one ever judged us.
Since I have recommitted myself to the
Lord being at Triumph, I have made so many changes in my life. Matt and I finally got married after being
together for twelve years. I was water
baptized this year as well as baptized in the Holy Spirit. I have been medication free for 10 months, and
cigarette free for a year. I am full of
joy and love that is like no other. I
have been set free of constant worrying, fear, anxiety, etc. In the past, I was always afraid that there might
not really be a God. Now I FEAR GOD. I know there is a God. He has shown me love like I have never known. I know now that God was always with me,
pulling me through the struggle even when I didn’t acknowledge him. I am forever grateful, and I will continue to
serve Him. I will do everything and
anything in order to do His will, and fulfill His purpose for me.
I know everyone goes through things for
a reason so I am not ashamed of who I was and where I came from. I am truly thankful that the Lord thinks so
much of me to believe that I could handle it, come out a stronger person, and
use my past as a testimony to help reach others. Thank you God, and thank you Triumph.
Chelsey Sell
Nederland Campus