Friday, September 13, 2013

30 Years of Triumph-Ronnie & Melanie Ramirez

I was not raised in church.  I went through a lot in my childhood.  I was desperate for something but didn't know what.  When I was 17 I was invited to a small church in Mauriceville.  There was a group of people there from Triumph Church as guest speakers.  The message they brought was so powerful, and I gave my heart to God.  I signed up for their Bible College/ Internship program that night.  I have been at Triumph ever since.  My life has never been the same.  God knew exactly the place I needed to be and the church family that was right for me. 

In the 18 years I have been at Triumph, God has done so many miracles in my life.  There I met my husband - a true example of God’s love for me.  I had a very high-risk pregnancy with our son, Christopher.  With lots of prayer he is here, healthy, and about to turn 11!  After him we tried for a second child for about 9 years.  In that time we suffered some losses, and each time we were covered with so much love and prayer from our church family.  A couple of years ago Pastor Lindsay prophesied that we WILL have a second child, and it will be simultaneous with the new sanctuary in Beaumont.  Well, I forgot about that prophesy until this year!  We were at a young married couples event at the Ross's home.  They had recently become foster parents and just received a foster child that day.  Long story short we came to their home, and saw the most beautiful little girl in the living room.  Even though we had never talked about adoption I knew right then she was our miracle!!!  Ten months later she is home with us, and our adoption will be final in November of this year.  She was cleared to be adopted the same month that the sanctuary in Beaumont was finished!  God is sooo good!

Melanie Ramirez
Beaumont Campus

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