Tuesday, September 24, 2013

30 Years of Triumph - Euphemia Davis

Shortly after moving back to Beaumont, I left my home church after the death of my pastor and joined another church.  I was there for ten years but during the latter years something was missing and my soul felt empty.  I had a hunger that needed to be fed, so I began to visit other churches.  Someone told me about Triumph in Nederland so I visited there one Sunday and left feeling like my soul had been fed. 

Once joined in 1986, I began to have a better understanding of tithing, but never committed to being fully faithful in doing so.  Years later of being disobedient and trying to handle my finances my way, I participated in a Sunday morning class regarding tithing that was taught by Pastor Stovall.  As a result of his teaching and the leadership and teaching of Pastor Randon, I became stronger and more submissive to God. And when things got more difficult and I was thinking the money for my tithing could help, I held on to God’s word and stood on faith that He would get me through this.  I won’t lie and say that I did not stumble at times, but I would get back up, refocus and each time grew stronger.  I became bold in speaking God promises out loud and knew I had to be standing in the right position for my blessing.  When it came, I was financially blessed to pay off my mortgage in ten years instead of thirty and I am in the process of making needed repairs to my home.

As a member of Triumph Church, I am blessed with leaders who can teach God’s word clearly so I have better understanding. And when I stumble, friends who don’t judged, but encourage me to get up, stay focused and know that in spite of, God still loves me.

Euphemia Davis
Triumph, Beaumont

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