Saturday, September 28, 2013

30 Years of Triumph - Keith & Mary Sexton

After getting married in 1971, we pretty much did not go to church.  Our kids went to church with my parents most Sundays, and we are so thankful for that.  I always knew The Lord and knew we needed to be in church, but Sunday mornings were so wonderful and relaxing!  In early 1992, my daughter, Sara, started to go to church with a friend, and suddenly I realized that I wanted to choose where she went to church!  We had been watching TBN for a long time and learning a lot about the Holy Spirit.  One night Pastors Randy and Renee' Clark were guests on Praise The Lord to promote the upcoming Easter production.  I jumped up and said to my family, "that's the pastors of that church I told you about!"

That was in April.  Each week we would have an excuse to stay home, but on Mother’s Day I woke everyone up and said for my gift I wanted us all to go to church.  We walked in and had no idea how blessed our lives were about to become!  Howard Clark greeted us in the foyer, Pastor Renee' ministered that morning in a gorgeous pink suit, and everyone was so nice to us. That evening my family wanted to know if we were going to the night service.  I was shocked because I thought we would visit a few other churches before going back. We did go that night and literally did not miss a service for about 5 years!

In these last 21 plus years, God has blessed us in so many ways. Keith went from being a carpenter/contractor to having his own financial planning business.  Our son, Scot, joined Triumph’s Master's Commission and served as a missionary in Russia for several years.  Sara got involved with youth and choir and became a worship leader and then later a pastor.

As for me, the thing I'm most happy about is I was taught how to seek The Lord in prayer and worship and found out how close He wanted to be in my life.  Once, when we were in a financial tight spot, we went to Howard Clark for prayer.  I was wanting a "thus sayeth The Lord money is coming" kind of word.  Instead he said, "seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you.”  I literally began to seek The Lord, and He really did add all these things to me!

We are so thankful for the obedience of Pastors Randy and Renee' and for all who sacrificed and worked so hard to bring Triumph to life so that our family could find just what we needed. There is a quote in the book "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" that says, "Rarely are members of a family born under the same roof.”  That's how we feel about our Triumph family. We all came from different places, but we are truly family, and we love our family!  Actually we did become family by marriage when Sara married Neal who is Pastor Renee's cousin, so that made it really official!

There are so many memories, and I wish I could just keep writing them.  I am overwhelmed as I recall how much has taken place since we came to Triumph.  It's been 21 years, it but seems like only yesterday we walked in for the first time.  Happy 30th Anniversary Triumph!

Mary & Keith Sexton
Nederland Campus

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